Sunday 19 September 2010

Jamster what are you playing at

Jamster is a company that made its name bringing ringtones to mobile phones everywhere. Since that simple initial premise Jamster has diversified into a range of noises or "fun sounds" and apps such as the x-ray scanner. However I think their best product has got to be the car style dashboard. 

As the commercial rightly states it gives you all the information you need the date, the time and the phone's battery level (in  the style of a fuel gauge for a car) and for the great value of £4.50 a week (I don't know if you get anything else or if the ongoing fee is for the privilege of having this usually unattainable information delivered to me) . 

Well I was sold, I'm sick of not knowing the time or date and having my phone cut out at unexpected times because I have no way of checking the battery level. This app has saved my life as I have always questioned why phone manufacturers would not include such crucial information in a phones display when you buy it 

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